We have defined the next 1000 years of mankind !!!

Come join us in our journey!

Automatski is a Millennium Firm with a 1000 year charter to progress mankind. It has 100's of inventions across Drug Discovery, Bioinformatics, Finance, Logistics/Supplychain, Energy, Nuclear Fusion, Climate/Carbon Capture, Superconductivity, Robotics, Materials, Chemistry, Battery Design, Solar Cell Design, Super Alloys, Protein Folding, Medical Imaging, Manufacturing, AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Blockchains, Cryptography, Optimization, Complexity Theory, Computer Science, Physics, Mathematics etc.

Automatski makes the worlds only production grade Quantum Annealers, Quantum Simulators and Quantum Computers. There are no other Quantum Systems in the world that work. So please stop bullshitting yourself and everyone else. Automatski also offers Consulting & Advisory Services to its Customers for Adoption of Quantum Computing and a mix of Classical & HPC Computing Techniques using its Quantum Systems only.

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Aditya Yadav

The father of Quantum Computing is not the person who dreamt of quantum computers 40 years ago (Feynman, Deutsch or Shor)

The father of Quantum Computing is the person who made it manifest in 1997 (Aditya Yadav)

Geofferey, Georgio and Yan are the fathers of Deep Learning and not AI because Deep Learning is not AI. And AI is yet to be invented outside Automatski. So please stop bullshitting yourself and everyone else.

Our robots can physically do anything we want them to do. But we cannot give them the brains they need. So robotics is an AI problem.

The world will find out very soon that Aditya is also the father of AI and Robotics. He is the father of the millennium and quantum computing anyway.

Beyond Quantum Computing - The Next 1000 Years Of Human Technology.

In 1990's we proved that the Universe is a Simulation. And if God is simulating this universe and if we can find out the rules of the simulation. We could do anything inside the simulation. And very soon after we discovered some of the rules of the simulation.

This led to the 100+ inventions at Automatski that have defined the next 1000 years of mankind.

From maths, to physics we built our own theories and used that to build our quantum simulators and quantum computers.

Needless to say we are 1000's of years ahead of everyone else. From where we stand the current state of technology of the world is primitive and medieval.

There is nothing you can study to invent AI, Robotics or Quantum Computing. Degrees, Titles, Awards, Money are of little use.

This is a race for world domination. And the fact is that the person who understands the universe the best is destined to win. 

There Is Something Else At Play Here At Automatski

Most people don't know about Samuel Pierpont Langley. And back in the early 20th century, the pursuit of powered man flight was like the dot com of the day. Everybody was trying it. And Samuel Pierpont Langley had, what we assume, to be the recipe for success. He was given 50,000 dollars by the War Department to figure out this Flying Machine. Money was no problem. He held a seat at Harvard and worked at the Smithsonian and was extremely well-connected; he knew all the big minds of the day. He hired the best minds money could find and the market conditions were fantastic. The New York Times followed him around everywhere, and everyone was rooting for Langley. Then howcome we have never heard of Samuel Pierpont Langley?

A few hundred miles away in Dayton, Ohio, Orville and Wilbur Wright, they had none of what we would consider a recipe for success. They had no money; they paid for their dream from the proceeds of their bicycle shop. Not a single person on the Wright brothers team had a college education, not even Orville or Wilbur. And The New York Times followed them around nowhere.

The difference was that Orville and Wilbur were driven by a cause, by a purpose, by a belief. They believed that if they could figure out this flying machine, it will change the course of the world. Samuel Pierpont Langley was different. He wanted to be rich and wanted to be famous. He was in pursuit of the result. He was in the pursuit of the riches. And lo and behold and look what happened. The people who believed in Wright Brother's dream, worked with them with blood, sweat and tears. The others just worked for the paycheck. They tell stories of how everytime the Wright Brothers went out, they would have to take 5 sets of parts, because thats how many times they would crash before supper.

And eventually on Dec 17th, 1903, the Wright Brothers took flight, and no one was there to even experience it. We found out about it a few days later. And further proof that Langley was motivated by the wrong thing: the day the Wright Brothers took flight, he quit. He could have said, "thats an amazing discovery, guys and I will improve upon your technology." but he didn't. He wasn't first, he didn't get rich, he didn't get famous, so he quit.


Our Flagship Products

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Quantum Simulator

300+ "Logical" Qubit Full State Vector Quantum Circuit Simulators

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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Quantum Annealer(s)

Our Quintillion Annealers can support a Quintillion Qubits, thats 10 to the power 18 Qubits.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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Quantum Computer

Our Quantum Computer supports Unlimited Depth Circuits with Tunable Infinite Precision and a Billion+ Qubits

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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Quantum Gravity Computer

The most powerful computing machine possible in this universe whos power can only be matched perhaps by God himself.

A hyper computer that goes beyond Quantum Computing and Causality. Way beyond Turing Machines

* Built To Order
** Experimental Since 2006

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Machine Learning & Linear Algebra

HHL Algorithm might not deliver an Exponential Advantage but our Algorithm does. 

And Linear Algebra forms the foundation of 100's of use cases.

We solve ML and Linear Algebra with billions of variables.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 2006

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Quantum Inspired Classical Computer

It executes Classical Circuits. Its not a Quantum Computer and does not execute Quantum Circuits. But it is Equivalent to a Universal Quantum Computer in every way. And can produce the same results. It is what it is - it is a Quantum Inspired - Classical Computer.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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Analog Quantum Computer

It easily supports > 100,000 Qubits and can solve

- Quantum Chemistry
- Material Science
- Optimization
- Sampling
- Quantum Dynamics

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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Analog Computer

It easily supports > 100,000 Variables and at its core it is essentially an ODE/PDE based machine.

Very robust, small and efficient.

* Built To Order
** Experimental Since 2006

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Constrained Optimization & Constraint Solvers

It easily supports > 100,000 Variables and can solve Problems with

- Boolean Variables
- Discrete Variable
- Mixed Variables

Non-Convex, Non-Linear Global Optimization is NP Hard. And our solvers can get the perfect solution to any such problems in Polynomial Time.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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Probabilistic Computing

It easily supports > 1mn Variables and can be delivered in any programming language of your choice.

The most common probabilistic inference task is to compute the posterior distribution of a query variable or variables given some evidence. Unfortunately, the problem of estimating the posterior probability within an absolute error (of less than 0.5 ), or within a constant multiplicative factor, is NP-hard, so general efficient implementations are not be available.

We have solved this problem.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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Discrete Computer

It moves beyond boolean logic and logic gates. This computer is completely built over discrete values.

* Built To Order
** Experimental Since 2006

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Probabilistic Turing Machines

This is a Hyper Computer aka Super Turing Computer. It computes beyond Turing Machines just like a Quantum or Classical Gravity Computer. It is equivalent to them in computing power but is a different computing paradigm.

This is BPP in complexity with an error probability < 1/3. Could be in ZPP, we need to figure it out.

* Built To Order
** Experimental Since 2006

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Random Walks

Random Walks are a Universal Model of Computing. And we have delivered Exponential Computational Advantage in Random Walks on billion node sized Graphs.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 1997

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P = NP !!!

P = NP was proven by us in 1990's. And if you also want to solve NP Problems in Polynomial time this offering is for you.

It is proven that Non-Linear Quantum Mechanics aka Non Linear Quantum Gates implies Polynomial Time solutions for NP-Complete and #P Problems. And both our Quantum Simulator and Quantum Computer support such gates. Read more...

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 2006

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Quantum Computer w/ Controlled Faults

Error Prone Quantum Computer will be Super Turing and will be able to solve The Halting Problem and much more. But aren't all NISQ Quantum Computers just that? No, we should have a Quantum Computer that generates faulty results but within controllable limits. Then and only then will it be super turing and a hyper computer.

So come and get it.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 2006

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Reversible Computer

The ultimate things is to have a computer that is both physically and logically reversible. We have something that close - logically reversible but physically non-reversible. Yet it is of phenomenal use in solving inverse problems, cryptography etc.

So come and get it.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 2006

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Photonic Quantum Simulator

This simulator is different from the regular Quantum Simulator. It uses Qumodes and Continuous Variable Circuits.

Not ready yet!!!

** Experimental Since 2022

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Photonic Quantum Computer

This is a Bosonic Quantum Computer which supports millions of Qumodes or more. Without any limitations on circuit depths.

Not ready yet!!!

** Experimental Since 2022

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Harmonic Quantum Computer

The quantum harmonic oscillator is widely regarded as one of the most fundamental models of quantum mechanics. Representing a system that exhibits harmonic, or sinusoidal, motion in the quantum regime. It is said that the entire universe can be explained with just QHO's.

We are building a Quantum Computer based on QHO's. But we are facing conceptual hurdles and we need some extraordinary breakthroughs before this can become a Millennium Breakthrough Invention.

Not ready yet!!!

** Experimental Since 2016

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Hyper Dimensional Computing

HDC, also known as vector-symbolic architectures (VSAs), is a computational paradigm inspired by the brain's high-dimensional representation of information. In HDC, data is encoded into high-dimensional vectors, typically with thousands of dimensions, allowing for robust and efficient processing of information. This enables the representation of complex data structures and relationships through simple mathematical operations. These vectors can be used to perform cognitive tasks such as reasoning, learning, and memory, making HDC particularly suitable for applications in AI/ML.

HDC has major applications for example in Drug Discovery, Cancer Research, Population Health, Bioinformatics etc.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 2006

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Quantum Inspired AI

Until the world makes Quantum Computers. We can take Quantum Inspired concepts like Tensor Networks, Dequantizing, Sampling etc. and create Quantum Inspired AI.

This can deliver substantial benefits in terms of reduced Model Size, Training & Inference Time, Model Complexity today.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 2006

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Quantum AI

This is FULL Quantum AI running over Production Grade Quantum Computers. They are expected to deliver exponential computational advantage and exponentially lesser complexity and model sizes.

This is what everyone is hoping for but outside Automatski nobody has. We deliver Quantum AI via Frameworks running on our Quantum Computers.

* Built To Order
** Production Ready Since 2006

Deep Space Travel & Infinite Free Clean Energy

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Why us?



We have a millennium charter, and we work for the benefit of entire mankind.

We are The Fathers of The Millennium, AI & Quantum Computing.

*** AI & Quantum Computing are yet to be invented outside Automatski.
5000 years

5000 Years Ahead Of Everyone Else

We are 5000 years ahead of everyone else. They will take a 1000 years to catchup with us once they get exposed to our inventions.

Our inventions sound unbelievable and impossible, and bring thoughts of Alien Technology to ones minds.
Right vs Wrong

Fairness & Ethics

We are willing to lose a trillion dollar deal but we will not compromise on Ethics, Integrity and being Fair to ourselves and everyone at large.

*** Of all the things we do, we spend an exorbitant amount of time debating Right vs Wrong.

Nuclear Fusion

Nobody knows how Plasma behaves at 200 million degrees. The only way to successfully invent nuclear fusion is to perform a full quantum simulation of Plasma at 200 million degrees.

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"सीधी बात नो बकवास !!!"

(English) - "Straight Talk No Bullshit !!!"

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