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Deep Space Travel

Proxima Centauri is the closest star to our sun, which is 4.2465 light-years away. Which means light itself will take 4.2465 years to reach there. And light travels at 299,792,458 meters / sec.

These are huge phenomenal distances. If humans have to become an intergalactic species they have to conquer such distances in a reasonable time.

This brings us to the question - can anything travel faster than the speed of light? its a topic for a different debate. Today we are focusing our discussion on "energy" and "motion"

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Deep Space Travel

Deep Space has no sources of energy, infinitesimal gravity, no light, no heat, no electricity nothing. Its an absolute void.

Then how do we travel in deep space?

- Where do we get the energy to power our space crafts and sustain a life sustaining environment on it?
- Where do we get the energy to power the motion of our spacecrafts in deep space? which fuel? which energy source?

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Deep Space Travel

An infinite source of clean energy in the fabric of the universe waiting to be tapped by humans.

We can become an intergalactic species!!!

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